الأحد، 12 فبراير 2012


Facebook has simply changed our life in many things, such as helping many people to connect with each other in different places around the world no matter how far it was and what time it is in other countries. Facebook has made a big improvement in different field, like business field, political field, educational field, and most importantly in our daily life and daily purposes. As an example, companies have their own pages on facebook so they can advertise their own products and communicate with other companies through distance. Politically, facebook is one of the most important methods to solve some cases or to start a new life as what happened recently in Syria and Egypt. Revolutions in these countries have started by a certain group on facebook how wanted to change the current situation and give people freedom.  Also, Education has been an important field on facebook. To explain this, schools and especially universities have their own pages on facebook and therefore many students, instructors, parents and administrators became fans and members of that page, and what they do is, posting recent events or news regarding school activities and so on. Besides that, parents can be aware of their children. Another significant thing is how people create their own pages on facebook so they publish their diaries, talents, pictures, experiences and special moments, and that will get them to know more people from different countries who have the same interests and share the same favorites. As a result, people will communicate with each other and expand to different cultures and traditions. So it is absolutely true when they say that facebook has changed the world.

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