الأحد، 26 فبراير 2012

Children & TV !

Television is one of the most prevalent media influences in kids' lives. Researchers have identified three potential responses to media violence in children:
Increased fear, Children, particularly girls, are much more likely than adults to be portrayed as victims of violence on TV, and this can make them more afraid of the world around them.
Desensitization to real-life violence, Some of the most violent TV shows are children's cartoons, in which violence is portrayed as humorous—and realistic consequences of violence are seldom shown.
Increased aggressive behavior, This can be especially true of young children, who are more likely to exhibit aggressive behavior after viewing violent TV shows or movies.
Parents should pay close attention to what their children see in the news since studies have shown that kids are more afraid of violence in news coverage than in any other media content. Fear based on real news events increases as children get older and is better able to distinguish fantasy from reality.

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