الأحد، 26 فبراير 2012

Citizen Journalism

The idea behind citizen journalism is that people without professional journalism training can use the tools of modern technology and the global distribution of the Internet to create, augment or fact-check media on their own or in collaboration with others. For example, you might write about a city council meeting on your blog or in an online forum. Or you could fact-check a newspaper article from the mainstream media and point out factual errors or bias on your blog. Or you might snap a digital photo of a newsworthy event happening in your town and post it online. Or you might videotape a similar event and post it on a site such as YouTube.
All these might be considered acts of journalism, even if they don't go beyond simple observation at the scene of an important event. Because of the wide dispersion of so many excellent tools for capturing live the average citizen can now make news and distribute it globally, an act that was once the province of established journalists and media companies.

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