الثلاثاء، 17 يناير 2012

prtinting press

Printing Press
How does Printer Press affect media? Printer is one of the visual types of media; it could be presented as newspapers, magazines, and books. Typically Printer Press was used for printing texts only when first invented in around 1440 by the German Johannes Gutenberg. It was very useful technology to publish your thoughts, beliefs, and ideas in one book or novel so everyone can share your writings, if it was based on experience, short stories, or believes about something in your life, in order to show some of your cultural habits or some specific traditions that are related to your hometown. As a result, audience will response to your writings by giving opinions and comments based on their knowledge and cultural factors. Also, it makes the world a smaller place in your office, car, or home when every day you hold your newspaper and start reading news and events from all over the world just in few minutes. Printers also clarify what you are looking for by providing images as an evidence to let you know more about what you are reading, in order to create in your imagination a clear picture about what is happening around you.

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