الأحد، 22 أبريل 2012

Principles of Interpersonal Communication

Four Principles of Interpersonal Communication
These principles underlie the workings in real life of interpersonal communication.
1)      Interpersonal communication is inescapable
We can't not communicate. The very attempt not to communicate communicates something. Through not only words, but through tone of voice and through gesture, posture, facial expression, etc., we constantly communicate to those around us.
2)      Interpersonal communication is irreversible
You can't really take back something once it has been said. The effect must inevitably remain
3)      Interpersonal communication is complicated
No form of communication is simple. Because of the number of variables involved, even simple requests are extremely complex. Theorists note that whenever we communicate there are really at least six people.
4)      Interpersonal communication is contextual


Radio is the older of the two main forms of electronic media, the other being television. Radio in commercial broadcast form has been around since about l920. Of the two it is far better adapted to abstract thought (such as, to give a benign example, Book Reviews) and ideally is- well infinite as regards projection of subject matter. The demands are different- sight gags and talking heads are, mercifully, out of the question, but radio has enormous potential for entertainment and enlightenment as well as mere news, weather, traffic and sportive events. I have been off TV many years but an avid radio fan, and particularly espouse WBAI and similar underground stations. Radio can go, where TV simply cannot, and in a sense is far more democratic. 

video games

A video game is a computer-controlled game where a video display such as a monitor or television is the primary feedback device. The term "computer game" also includes games which display only text (and which can therefore theoretically be played on a teletypewriter) or which use other methods, such as sound or vibration, as their primary feedback device, but there are very few new games in these categories. There always must also be some sort of input device, usually in the form of button/joystick combinations (on arcade games), a keyboard & mouse/trackball combination (computer games), or a controller (console games), or a combination of any of the above. Also, more esoteric devices have been used for input. Usually there are rules and goals, but in more open-ended games the player may be free to do whatever they like within the confines of the virtual universe.
In common usage, a "computer game" or a "PC game" refers to a game that is played on a personal computer. "Console game" refers to one that is played on a device specifically designed for the use of such, while interfacing with a standard television set. "Arcade game" refers to a game designed to be played in an establishment in which patrons pay to play on a per-use basis. "Video game" (or "videogame") has evolved into a catchall phrase that encompasses the aforementioned along with any game made for any other device, including, but not limited to, mobile phones, PDAs, advanced calculators, etc.

الجمعة، 20 أبريل 2012

Film is a term that encompasses motion pictures as individual projects, as well as the field in general. The origin of the name comes from the fact that photographic film (also called filmstock) has historically been the primary medium for recording and displaying motion pictures. Many other terms exist — motion pictures (or just pictures and "picture"), the silver screen, photoplays, the cinema, picture shows, flicks — and commonly movies.
Films are produced by recording people and objects with cameras, or by creating them using animation techniques and/or special effects. They comprise a series of individual frames, but when these images are shown rapidly in succession, the illusion of motion is given to the viewer. Flickering between frames is not seen due to an effect known as persistence of vision — whereby the eye retains a visual image for a fraction of a second after the source has been removed. Also of relevance is what causes the perception of motion; a psychological effect identified as beta movement.
Film is considered by many to be an important art form; films entertain, educate, enlighten and inspire audiences. Any film can become a worldwide attraction, especially with the addition of dubbing or subtitles that translate the film message. Films are also artifacts created by specific cultures, which reflect those cultures, and, in turn, affect them.

الخميس، 19 أبريل 2012

Public relations

Public relations (PR) is a way for companies, organizations or people to enhance their reputations. This task typically is performed by public relations professionals or PR firms on behalf of their clients. PR usually involves communicating with the media and through the media to present the clients in the most favorable way possible. It also often involves cooperative efforts with other people and organizations to create good will within the community and enhance the client's image.
PR Departments
PR can give consumers and the media a better understanding of how a company works. Within a company, a PR department might also be called a public information department or a customer relations department. These departments assist customers if they have any problems with the company. They usually try to show the company at its best. PR departments also might conduct research to learn how satisfied customers are with the company and its products.

الأربعاء، 18 أبريل 2012

Advertising promotes a product, service or event to its target audience. A target audience is the portion of the general public that products, services or events were created for to fill a desire or need in the marketplace. Advertising is written by advertising copywriters and finished with artwork by graphic designers. The channels advertising is run through to reach its target audience includes Internet, print, broadcast, outdoor and point of purchase (POP).

Media, like data, is the plural form of a word borroweddirectly from Latin. The singular, medium, earlydeveloped the meaning “an intervening agency, means, or instrument” and was first applied to newspapers twocenturies ago. In the 1920s media began to appear as asingular collective noun, sometimes with the pluralmedias. The word media is connected with many different words and definitions, for example; the word”social ". In general, the term “social media” implies the number of activities that include socializing and networking online through words, pictures and videos. Also, social media can range from social bookmarking, where all users have a chance to share their online libraries of links and connect to each other’s lists within a definite online community, to online collaboration spaces. I just wanted to say that I agree that social media has a lot of potential for becoming a way to communicate with everyone. It can also be a powerful way to get the word out about public policies that we desperately need more awareness and support with.